5 Reasons to Be Thankful For a Job in Healthcare

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Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Soon you’ll be pressured to start thinking about giving thanks. When you begin to list what you’re thankful for, your job might not come to mind. However, this November, RNa Partners has compiled a list of reasons on why you should be thankful for working in healthcare.

Six-figure salaries: According to a FOXBusiness article, common jobs in healthcare such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants earn a median base salary of 100,000 dollars.

Plenty of availability: According to that same article, there are about 12,400 open positions for nurse practitioners. It’s true that recently jobs regardless of their field are in high supply. This combined with the fact that there will always be jobs in healthcare should be a one-way ticket to feeling grateful.

Opportunities to learn and grow: At the end of the day, one of the most fulfilling parts of a job is what you can take away from it. The healthcare industry is under constant growth and change. This breaks apart monotony and makes jobs worth doing. We should be thankful for the opportunities that help us grow along with our career.

Small victories: We let small victories slip when thinking they’re only that: small. However, they accumulate throughout the course of a year to develop into major accomplishments. Any accomplishment, no matter how small, represents a victory, so pride yourself on successfully completing them.

Your competition: Without it, you may not have a job. Competition keeps you on your feet and striving forward when it seems like you have nothing left to offer. At the very least, it challenges you to do better.

Originally, your field of work may not have come to mind when contemplating why you’re thankful. However, working in healthcare should be on your list of giving thanks this season. From all of us here at RNa Partners, Happy Thanksgiving!
